Friday, March 23, 2018

The bottomless pit

The bottomless pit

“When you’re in a hole, stop digging!”, as the old saying goes. That sounds simple enough. It might even work, unless we are in a multiplicity of holes, and digging furtively to deepen each of those holes, to the point where the holes converge and we discover that we are not only in several holes, we are sliding down into a bottomless pit.
      That appears to be the case some 400 plus days into the ersatz Presidency of Donald J. Trump. I say ersatz Presidency because hope as we may have from January 20th 2016 going forward, that a real President and Presidency would somehow emerge, we are now beginning to realize that that is not about to happen. Not now, not ever. 
     Behaving as other Presidents have, is simply not in Mr. Trump’s DNA. He is just not wired for conventionality. He thrives on chaos and confrontation, then personally ducks it’s consequences . He resorts to his twitter account to fire people. He doesn’t deliver the news personally. If you don’t believe me, just ask HR McMaster. He was sitting only 100 feet away from Trump when he got the phone call that he was done. At least he got a phone call, which was then confirmed by a tweet. 
    The list of those hired and fired is several pages long. It has grown from platoon to company to battalion sized in little over a year. Who’s on first?. What’s on second, and I don’t know is on third. And the dervish continues to whirl, spinning nearly out of control. 
    It’s not just the” You’re fired!” reality tv show we are enveloped in. We are knee deep in sexual scandal and denial. We are mired in the muck of mediocrity and malfeasance when it comes to many of the cabinet heads. We are antagonizing our friends and mollycoddling our enemies. The overarching question is why has the President given everyone a nickname except Vladimir Putin. Why, we ask, is that? This President and his family are profiteering from the Presidency and violating the emoluments clause in aces and spades. 
Add to that, we have started a tariff war that may end up tanking the stock market and raising the falling prices at Walmart. And a constitutional crisis looms over the role of the special prosecutor who is charged with finding the bottom to this pit. 
We do indeed need to get to the bottom of all of this, but sadly, there appears to be no bottom to get to. 
    So if there is no bottom to the pit of this Presidency, where does the buck stop ? On whose desk lies the final denouement? 
     The answer seems obvious: Congress. But they too seem incapable of stopping their slide into the same bottomless pit. 

     So where does the buck finally end up? On the desks of the American people. We alone can solve this problem. And we can do it in November of this year. There is a way if we have the will. The ballot box is the key. If we can last that long. God save the people who can save the Republic. 

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